We recently added wallpaper to the store and chose two totally different styles. Above is a black background with "faux" handwriting. The dark color absorbs light making our Beatriz Ball selection really sparkle, reflecting the light.
Another wallpaper from York Wallcoverings has a completely different feel. The very large repeat and subtle background color was a good choice for this extremely tall wall. It actually makes the framed artwork show off even more. A tip for hanging art on wallpaper: the matting makes a big difference!
The remaining photographs are from the Thibaut Wallcovering collections:
Another great thing about Thibaut: they have coordinating or matching fabric! And just like the paper, the fabrics have the best colors. If you like high contrast, it's hard to beat navy and white.
An entry wall is another place to use wallpaper. The small side table and mirror would be lost on such a plain wall, but they're just the right touch with this slightly more formal wallpaper.
How about the wall behind the fireplace (or the fireplace itself)? This more free form pattern pairs nicely with the coordinating geometric fabric in the drapery.
One of my favorites---using wallpaper on the wall behind the bed. You don't have to encase the whole room in a pattern. Using floral wallpaper behind the headboard when there really is no room to hang a picture or mirror is an easy way to keep this room from being boring.
Have you thought of a place in your home for wallpaper?