Monday, March 7, 2011

Shop talk---the latest on display

Ok, winter will actually come to an end, I know this because the daffodils have bloomed by the shop.  The fact is that there is not a good excuse anymore to not hop in your vehicle and come by the shop!  You are missing some great new things.

 In the back of the store you'll find our display of Tea Forte.  You'll probably find a hot pot of tea to sample from.  We even have a set tea especially for cocktails called Cocktail Infusions.  We may be trying that one out ourselves very soon, or we could be persuaded some afternoon by just the right customer!

In the front of the store you'll see our display featuring Archipelago's pomegranate.   We love all of Archipelago's products so much we will soon have two  more of their lines on order.

You've seen our jewelry before, but now it's even easier to browse with the new stands we found.  Our two large shelving units next to the bed are loaded.  Notice the beautiful painted pillows from Dorothy Fagan's collections from Back Dorr Studio.  I mentioned on Facebook that we had her order in the shop last week

Here's my personal favorite painting on an oblong pillow.  It looks great on the French Laundry bedding.  Did you notice the small box behind the pillow?  It has taken about six months to get in more of the wonderful drawer liners.  If you've smelled the Vanilla Pear before, you'll remember them!

We hope to see you out and about enjoying the Spring weather!  And for you out-of-towners:    we'll be happy to take your phone orders anytime!

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